Please find location map below for
How Hill House, Ludham, Norfolk, NR29 5PG
Also see 'What 3 Words' below too.
Nearest railway station - Hoveton and Wroxham (branch line from Norwich station), approx 3 miles from How Hill.
Directions by car
from Stalham / A149 - note it's recommended to approach How Hill House via Ludham, south of How Hill, rather than via Sharp Street to the north. The road from Sharp Street is very rutted and narrow. So if you are travelling from the Stalham and Catfield direction, go into Ludham first, turn right at School Road and next right into How Hill Road. Then see 'final directions' below.
from Wroxham / A1062
Note there are a few brown signs with windmill emblem directing you the final couple of miles.
From Wroxham direction, having passed through Upper Street (Horning) and before the village of Ludham, turn left into School Lane.
Pass row of houses on right. Take second left into How Hill Road (a single track road). Then see 'final directions' below.
Final directions
How Hill Road winds up the hill for a good half a mile. There are passing places.
Pass an entrance on the left to a field/car park for those visiting the Nature Reserve.
Take the next left signed for Visitors to How Hill House, opposite a black windmill.
You’ll be on a circular driveway. Keep the house on your left, driving behind it.
Once behind the main house, turn right to park in the car park in front of the single storey wooden building (education centre). Don't park directly by the main house (staff parking).
Walk back with your luggage to the circular drive way, pass through the wooden gate to the garden and the front of How Hill House.
Enter through the large wooden door.
What 3 Words
Turn off point from How Hill Road at How Hill House
Car park
Gate to How Hill House front door (from car park walk back with belongings)
How Hill House, Ludham, Norfolk, NR29 5PG
Also see 'What 3 Words' below too.
Nearest railway station - Hoveton and Wroxham (branch line from Norwich station), approx 3 miles from How Hill.
Directions by car
from Stalham / A149 - note it's recommended to approach How Hill House via Ludham, south of How Hill, rather than via Sharp Street to the north. The road from Sharp Street is very rutted and narrow. So if you are travelling from the Stalham and Catfield direction, go into Ludham first, turn right at School Road and next right into How Hill Road. Then see 'final directions' below.
from Wroxham / A1062
Note there are a few brown signs with windmill emblem directing you the final couple of miles.
From Wroxham direction, having passed through Upper Street (Horning) and before the village of Ludham, turn left into School Lane.
Pass row of houses on right. Take second left into How Hill Road (a single track road). Then see 'final directions' below.
Final directions
How Hill Road winds up the hill for a good half a mile. There are passing places.
Pass an entrance on the left to a field/car park for those visiting the Nature Reserve.
Take the next left signed for Visitors to How Hill House, opposite a black windmill.
You’ll be on a circular driveway. Keep the house on your left, driving behind it.
Once behind the main house, turn right to park in the car park in front of the single storey wooden building (education centre). Don't park directly by the main house (staff parking).
Walk back with your luggage to the circular drive way, pass through the wooden gate to the garden and the front of How Hill House.
Enter through the large wooden door.
What 3 Words
Turn off point from How Hill Road at How Hill House
Car park
Gate to How Hill House front door (from car park walk back with belongings)